Praman Group

Praman Group

Praman Group

Praman Group


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lATE Arch . Mahendrakumar N Purohit
  • Mr. Purohit had a humble beginning and travelled from a small village in Gujarat to Mumbai city for his education.

  • He faced many challenges during his early years in Mumbai and felt the need to change the lives of people living in old dilapidated buildings.

It was this very thought that made him convinced to become an architect

Later, he worked under the then renowned Architect’s Parulekar, Gore and Parpia and later transitioned into his professional practice.

He was also Architect for Bennett Coleman Times of India

Group for almost a span of 10+ years. In early 1980’s, he wanted to make the real change and took up a Raghavji Building for redevelopment. Shreepati Group was founded and created with the start of Raghavji Building.

From the start of Shreepati Group, Mr. Purohit always believed to start projects with a vision and necessary resources to complete them in timely manner.

In early 1990’s, Mr. Purohit envisioned Shreepati Arcade and its mammoth potential right from scratch. He left no stone unturned and used all his resources to materialize Shreepati Arcade.

This project was first of its kind redevelopment in terms of size and number of tenements. Shreepati Arcade’s name was etched into the history of Mumbai that paved way for redevelopment of numerous cessed projects all across the city.

The planning and design of project was also way ahead of any other renowned project in the city, the provision for parking, clubhouse facility and fire fighting requirements

that were provided were unmatched for any other developer in the country. In fact, the project was also listed as the tallest building in India by Limca Book of Records.

Under his leadership, Shreepati Group developed Shreepati Towers (Now Shreepati Jewels), Shreepati Castle (Khetwadi) and many other projects

Mr. Purohit’s strong belief of project execution and delivery along with customer satisfaction as the basis of groups business growth strategy.

scheme(A Joint Venture with MHADA) which shaped up because of hard work and extensive knowledge of Mr. Purohit. All these projects were designed with state of the art amenities and building facilities.

In fact, Shreepati Towers was first of its kind cluster development

In the year 2006, Mr. Purohit due to differences in management style with his then partners decided to part ways from them and continue business as Shreepati – Purohit Group on his core values.


In 2006, Mr. Purohit rejuvenated Shreepati Purohit group which later transitioned into Praman Group. The group continued to maintain 


Mr. Purohit left for his heavenly abode on 7th December, 2016. His sons strongly abide by strong core values and continue to grow Praman group as envisioned by Mr. Purohit.


May his blessings be upon us and all present and future works of Praman Group.




The Purohits!